Drink This "Warm Water" Tomorrow Morning Then Weigh Yourself Before You Go To Bed

PLUS: The 4-Minute Morning Routine That Can Help Flush Away Up To 40 Pounds

In Just 4 Minutes in the Morning You Can:

  • Melt Away Half Your Abdominal Fat
  • Wake Up Feeling 10 Years Younger With More Youthful Energy
  • Have the Stamina to Run Races With Your Grandkids, Garden All Day Long, And Even Surprise Your Spouse in the Bedroom
  • Look, Feel, & Move Like You Did In Your 20’s (Pain-Free Walking, Clear & Radiant Skin, Trim Waistline)
  • Now Even Women With Weight Gain Related to a Slow Metabolism, Thyroid or Menopause Are Losing Pounds Every Week

Discover the Weight Loss Secret Hidden From Modern Medicine That's Helping Women & Men Over 45 Lose Abdominal Fat Like Crazy

Do you know why you should drink “dandelion tea” every morning?

Or why some of Hollywood’s top A-list celebrities sniff grapefruit oil between meals?

Or how drinking “warm water” before breakfast can target abdominal fat?

If not, don’t worry…

I didn’t know any of these secrets either.

And yet they could be the missing link to you losing the weight that's been holding you back for so long.

It turns out, there’s a new discovery that forces your body to lose fat straight from your stomach -  the same fat that seems resistant to strict low-calorie diets and intense exercise.

And unlike all the other weight loss strategies that focus on cutting carbs, skipping meals, and strict discipline…

....this is the exact opposite.

It’s something anyone can do no matter your age or current physical condition.

And I can virtually guarantee you’ll see results fast.

So if you have soft fat hanging off your belly that spills over your pants…

Or if your weight is simply higher than you want it to be…

And all the high-protein, keto, and plant-based diets in the world do absolutely NOTHING to your waistline…

Then I want you to read every last word of this letter.

Because I’m going to share with you the hidden reason why your fat stays “stuck” on your body and doesn’t budge no matter what you try.

And it's backed by research from Stanford University, a team of medical doctors, and prestigious studies from St. Jude Research Hospital. 

Here’s the secret...

It’s actually due to your body’s internal “waste disposal system” that simply isn’t flushing out the fat like it should be.

I know that sounds weird and complicated, but it’s really not. 

Let me explain...

Think of a Clogged Sink In Your Bathroom That's Full of Nasty Hair and Black Sludge

It seems to happen every couple of months...

The water in your bathroom sink is draining slower than normal and you just know there’s a bunch of gunk in there that needs to be removed.

That’s what husbands are for, right?

Well, most of us just turn the water on as high as it goes, hoping it’ll break up the blockage so the sink will drain properly again.

But what always happens?

The water backs up, starts filling up the sink, and only makes things worse.

No matter how much water you dump down the sink, it’s never powerful enough to break up the blockage.

That’s exactly what’s going on in your body right now if you have extra fat that won’t budge.

You try eating more vegetables, or more protein, and it’s like pouring water into a clogged drain.

The fat doesn’t budge and it spills over to other parts of your body…

...like your stomach, hips and thighs.

You see, what most people don’t know is that they have “clogged pipes” in their body that’s preventing them from losing fat.

So no matter how healthy you eat, it’s not enough to break up the “fat blockage” in your body.

Because of this, your body isn’t absorbing the nutrients and vitamins from the food you eat.

And it’s why:

  • You never feel full or satisfied after meals
  • Your weight never goes down more than just a couple pounds no matter how hard or long you diet
  • Even if you do lose a couple pounds, your stomach never seems to get any flatter

So you can eat more fruits and veggies…

But you’re not going to absorb most of the nutrients from those foods, and it’s only going to block things up even worse.

However, when you get rid of the hidden “fat blockers” in your body…

….using the secrets I’m going to share with you here today...

The fat will start flushing out to the tune of up to 2-4 pounds a week...

Never to be seen again…

Just like water going down the drain.

You Can Consistently Lose 2-4 Pounds a Week Using This Strange "Warm Water" Secret To:

All while consistently losing weight, especially from your midsection, every single week.

However, before we go any further, I want you to know one thing...

What You're About to Discover Goes Against Everything You've Been Told When It Comes to Losing Weight & Burning Abdominal Fat After 45

I’m still furious at what my friend told me the other day…

She just turned 60…

Over the past few years, she’s been going to doctors and nutritionists, trying to figure out why she feels tired all the time…

And why she can never seem to lose weight, even though she does over an hour of aerobics every day and eats lots of vegetables while cutting back on red meat and fatty foods.

One of the doctors, who I won’t mention by name, simply told her…

You’re in your 60’s…

Everything you’re experiencing is common…

It’s just what happens as you get older.”

And with that, she walked out of his office and vowed to never return again.

Because most of us are told that your body just “wears down” as you get older…

And the only way to fix it is by paying through the nose for expensive medications and prescriptions that only mask the problem and never solve it.

So just know, whether you’re 43 years old or 89…

You do not have to get weaker, heavier, and less active as the years go by.

Instead, you can choose to have the energy, drive, and sex drive of someone half your age…

While living in a lean and healthy body that only gets better with time.

All I ask is that you keep an open mind…

While I know there’s a lot of “noise” out there, especially with the internet…

...where everyone claims to have the next miracle solution, just know…

Everything here is backed by published research, case studies, and personal experience.

And I promise to explain it in a way that makes sense to you.

So then you can apply the information yourself and see if it works for you.

Who Am I and How Did I Discover This NEW 4-Minute Fat-Flushing Secret

Hi, my name is Meredith Shirk…

And I’m not like most weight loss experts.

First and foremost, I have a background in math and science…

Which I use to create unusual, yet scientifically-proven weight loss strategies that work for women and men who are at the end of their rope.

I’m also the Founder and CEO of Svelte Training...

...an online-based health and weight loss company that has helped over 1 million people from 27 countries improve their health over the past 10 years.

I graduated from the National Academy of Sports Medicine and my science-based approach allowed me to quickly help my clients when others couldn’t.

But what I really am is a mom and wife.

Who loves taking my kids to the beach…

Walking with them in the sand…

And spending time with my husband.

Oddly enough, since my family has grown so much over the past three years...

It Forced Me To Come Up With Outside-the-Box Methods to Help My Most Frustrated Clients

Before having children, I specialized in training women and men over 45 in person.

Instead of going to a stuffy, hot-and-humid gym, we’d go to the beach and I’d have them doing crab walks, bear crawls, and all sorts of fun and unique exercises to get rid of their stubborn fat.

However, that all changed when I had our first baby girl.

You see, I wanted to be the mom that stayed home with her kids, especially early on…

And that meant cutting back on my personal training time with my clients.

So instead of leaving them high and dry, it forced me to come up with NEW ways to get them even faster results without being able to train them in person.

I remember one woman in particular.

Her name was Jill.

She was a 61 year old soon-to-be grandma and she desperately wanted to get in shape because she was terrified of being the grandma who couldn’t bend over and pick up her own grandbaby…

Or the one who couldn’t play hide and seek, or tag in the backyard.

Yet after 4 weeks of cleaning up Jill’s diet and helping her get more active, nothing seemed to work.

Her weight didn’t budge…

Her cravings were still intense…

And even though she was eating protein and veggies at every meal, she wasn’t losing any fat.

While my ego took a huge hit, it actually turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to me…

Because it forced me to stay up for hours at night and on weekends, after I put my baby to bed, to find out what could possibly be going on…

And what I found, thanks to a groundbreaking study from Stanford University, absolutely shocked me.

How Does This "Warm Water" Secret Work?

Before we talk about the solution, I want to make sure you completely understand the problem...

Because when you know exactly what’s going on inside your own body, it becomes VERY easy to fix.

That’s why fad diets never work.

You never address the root problem and so it keeps showing up again and again…

Which is why so many people are stuck losing and then gaining back the same 10 pounds.

However, once you understand what I’m about to share, you’ll finally have the missing like to losing all the weight you want on YOUR terms…

After all, I personally used this trick to completely flatten my stomach after giving birth to my beautiful girl and baby boy…

My friend Keri used it to tighten and firm up her stomach after turning 41 and having two kids…

And I’ve used it with hundreds of my most stubborn personal clients like Jill over the last 5 years.

It works like a charm every time, and…

It’s so simple to do, you can easily make it apart of your daily routine, which means you’ll avoid rebound weight gain.

Why Can't I Lose From My Belly?

Have you ever wondered why all these diets seem to work for everyone else except you?

You see people everywhere losing 10, 20, even 30 or more pounds on the keto diet…

Or the people who go “plant-based” and drop enormous amounts of weight…

Even those who just cut out alcohol and end up shedding 20 pounds.

And yet, whenever you try any of these things, they NEVER work.

It seems like no matter what you try, you still have that soft belly bulge around your middle that won’t budge.

Well, here’s why…

Soft, stubborn belly fat often signals a sluggish lymphatic system.

Your lymph is basically a clear fluid that acts as your own personal waste disposal system... 

Which means it takes fat and toxins in your body and distributes them to “collection points” where they can be removed.

Kind of like how you take your garbage bin to your curb every week, so it can be picked up by the garbage man…

Your body does the same thing with fat and toxins all day every day.

However, when the system gets overwhelmed and overworked, which can easily happen if you’re constantly stressed, eating the standard American diet, or carrying around 20 or more pounds of extra weight…

...these fats and toxins can get stored in belly-fat tissue around your midsection.

Your body primes your excess fat to be removed from your body through your waste…

Yet when your lymphatic system isn’t working right, that excess fat never leaves your body…

It just gets “re-stored” in your fat tissue.

For All These Years You've Been Trying to Lose Weight With One Hand Tied Behind Your Back

Unfortunately, most “experts” keep giving you the same advice of eating more vegetables, skipping meals, and exercising more…

And the reason why this hasn’t worked for you is because you have a faulty system that can’t flush out fat from your body properly.

It gets worse…

As this excess fat is “re-stored” in your fat cells, it becomes even harder to burn off.

Your body is basically saying, “we tried getting rid of this fat already and it’s still here, there must be an important reason…

...so let’s just hang on to in case we need it later”.

Which means your body will do whatever it can to keep this fat and NOT burn it for energy.

Think Of It Like This...

When you buy a new bedroom set, you can bring it home and easily fit it through the door.

It’s broken down into smaller pieces, it comes in a few different boxes, and they fit easily inside your room.

However, once the bedroom set has been assembled, you can’t just pick it up and take it out of our room.

The bed frame is too big…

It won’t fit through the doorway…

The headboard is too long…

It won’t fit through the doorway either…

And so in order to get it out of your room, you have to break it down...again.

Which can be really hard and takes A LOT of work.

It’s the same thing with fat in your cells.

In order to get the fat out of your cells, especially after it’s been “re-stored”...

...you have to break it down AGAIN.

And that’s not easy to do.

Your body resists it…

Just like you resist the manual labor of breaking down your bed frame when it’s time to get a new one or if you plan on moving.

You put it off as long as possible.

It’s hard work that you just don’t want to do

And your body doesn’t want to break down fat that it already tried getting rid of before.

It’s what I call “Fat Loss Resistance” and it’s one of the hidden factors that makes weight loss such a struggle as you get older.

Luckily I Found a Way Around This That Makes Fat-Burning EASY Without Having To Go On a Strict Diet or Skip Meals

Remember how I mentioned earlier the importance of drinking dandelion tea…

Or “warm water”...

Heck, even 4 minutes of activity first thing in the morning can help tremendously.

Here’s why…

When you drink these specific drinks, along with adding in a few “super minerals”, it does something special in your body.

You see, when fat is broken down in the body…

It goes directly into your lymph fluid.

That’s what most people don’t realize.

When the broken down fat combines with your lymph fluid, you have to do something to flush it out of your body.

It’s not like your heart, which pumps blood on it’s own all day long.

If you sit and do nothing, the fat will just sit there and never move…

And like I mentioned earlier, after a period of time it’s going to end up right back in your fat cells.

However, when you take something like this special “warm water” drink, which thins out your lymph fluid so it can be flushed out of the body…

And combine it with a short series of movements in the morning that are low-impact and take just 4 minutes…

You transport the fat to the “collection centers” around your body, where it can be removed for good.

Just like when the garbage man picks up your trash and takes it away.

It’s gone…

And you can finally feel that sense of relief.

How to Activate The Secret Link to Lasting Weight Loss

Hopefully this is all starting to make sense to you…

And you’re starting to realize why your body looks the way that it does.

If you’re maintaining a healthy weight, then it’s a clear sign that your fat is being transported efficiently by your lymph fluid…

...and it’s carrying enough of your fat to the “detox stations” throughout your body, to be burned up for energy.

If you’re not maintaining a healthy weight…

Or you simply weigh more than you’d like…

Or maybe you just want your stomach to be a bit smaller or a bit flatter…

Then it’s a clear sign that your stored fat isn’t being transported properly…

Which leaves it stuck in place, usually around your belly, hips, thighs, and butt for women…

And around your love handles, stomach, and upper chest for men.

In order to break up the “fat blockage” in your body, you’ll want to start adding in these important nutrients as soon as possible.

While everyone talks about “fat-burning foods” and what you should eat your meals, what’s even more important is making sure you get these nutrients in on a daily basis.

Otherwise, your body can’t break down fat, which means it’s going to keep building up instead of being flushed out of your system.

So follow the three steps below and start adding more of these little-known nutrients into your diet.

Secret  #1: The Anti-Aging Antioxidant

Step #1 is adding in more of the anti-aging antioxidant known as quercetin.

Quercetin is a pigment that belongs to a group of plant compounds called flavonoids [1].

They have been linked to several health benefits, including reduced risks of heart disease, reduced blood pressure, and they may even help combat aging.

In fact, recent research from the Cardiovascular Research Center at Birjand University found that quercetin may help rejuvenate or eliminate aging cells and reduce markers of aging [2].

Even better, it can significantly reduce joint pain, making you look, feel, and move younger.

An 8-week study in 50 women with rheumatoid arthritis observed that patients who took 500 mg. of quercetin experienced significantly reduced early morning stiffness, morning pain, and after-activity pain [3].

However, the real reason why it’s so important is because it helps to digest lumpy deposits of lymphatic waste…

Which is why so many people report that their cellulite disappears, and their stomachs firm up after consuming this antioxidant.

Some great sources of quercetin are cranberries, shallots, and black tea.

Secret #2: "Deep Red" Veggies

I’m sure you’ve been told over and over again to eat your veggies, and…

Everyone talks about how great “green vegetables” are for you.

However, what most people miss are how amazing “red vegetables” are, especially as you get older.

You see, certain red veggies contain enzymes that help break down toxic build-up in the body to thin out your lymph fluid.

When your lymph fluid is thin, it’s able to flow throughout your body and eliminate excess fat…

Which is how you’re able to lose 3-12 pounds in a single week when nothing has worked for you before.

You simply have this thick, congested fluid in your body that’s currently unable to do it’s job properly.

One of the best options here when it comes to red veggies are beets.

Secret #3: 4-Minute Morning Routine

After you complete steps one and two above, something amazing happens…

Your fat is broken down to the point where it’s finally ready to leave your body.

Think of one of your kids growing up…

As a parent, you do try and do all the right things to make sure your kids are prepared for the real world…

At 10 years old, they aren’t ready to leave the house…

And they’re not ready to leave at 15 either…

But a few years later, once they graduate high school, most are ready to leave the nest.

And it’s the same thing with the fat on your body.

Once you complete the first two steps above, and combine that with all the new, cutting-edge information you’re reading in this letter, then your fat is finally ready to leave your body.

It starts as stored fat around your stomach, which gets turned into free fatty acids in your lymph fluid…

And the last step is escorting those free fatty acids OUT of your body for good.

How do you do that?

With handful of 4-minute, low-impact movements that help circulate your lymph fluid.

Researchers from Finland found that moderate-intensity activity increases lymph flow by 400%.

And when you increase lymph flow, you literally flush the fat right out of your body.

While your heart will keep pumping blood all day every day without you having to do any “work”...

Your lymph needs a gentle push to help get the fat out of your body…

Now, doing a bunch of sprints or burpees isn’t going to help.

In fact, that’s one of the worst things you can do.

Instead, all you need are a few gentle movements that protect your joints and kickstart your lymph to flush the fat off your body.

Clearing These "Fat Blockages" Is The Secret To Easy Weight Loss

Once I started connecting the dots on how the body actually gets rid of fat, I’ll admit that I felt a bit ashamed.

I spent years lecturing my clients on the importance of a healthy diet and exercise…

And whenever they would hit a plateau, I figured they were simply eating too many carbs and sweets without telling me.

However, now it’s clear as day that their internal fat-burning systems simply weren’t working like they were supposed to.

It’s like trying to flush a toilet when it’s clogged…

The waste just sits there with nowhere to go…

And it’s exactly what happens with the fat in your body.

If you have these blockages, there’s nowhere for the fat to go, and so it just stays in your body no matter how hard you diet or how much exercise you force yourself to do.

After discovering this groundbreaking research, I started reaching out to my teachers and mentors to share what I found…

And every single one of them looked at me like I was a crazy person.

They didn’t care about the science, or the research…

And that it was “too simple” to work and I was just wasting my time.

But I knew better.

There was something deep inside of me that knew without a shadow of a doubt that I was on to something BIG.

And so, I started reaching out to my past clients to see if they’d help me “beta test” these new outside-the-box strategies.

Little did I know that within a matter of weeks my phone would be ringing off the hook.

Jill Used These Secrets To Drop 40lbs, 26 Inches & 12% Of Her Body Fat

The first person I called was Jill because she was still struggling.

I put her through an easy routine of making my “warm water” recipe in the morning…

Followed by eating specific meals that were NOT low carb, keto, or vegetarian…

All design to clear out the fat blockages in her body….

And after the first two weeks, I was STUNNED.

She lost 14 pounds in the first 14 days, along with 13 inches of fat off her stomach and waistline.

And in just a few months, she lost a total of 40 pounds, 26 inches, and she dropped 12% body fat.

To make sure it wasn’t a fluke, I kept testing and tweaking the protocol to make sure it worked for everyone.

Sasha Lost 14 Pounds in 10 Days By Clearing These Hidden "Fat Blockages"

"My Favorite Pants Have Started to Circle At My Hips So the Inches Are Coming Off!"

Once we made a very tweaks to Sasha’s morning routine, it was like night and day to anything she had ever experienced.

Effortless Weight Loss Is Just the Beginning

  • It Takes Just 4-Minutes In The Morning So Even The Busiest Woman or Man Can Do It
  • Simply Start With the "Warm Water" Protocol...
  • Then Add In the Specific Spices...
  • And Finish It Up With the 4-Minute Morning Routine To Strip Away the Fat & Reveal Your Sexiest Body EVER

Once these women started seeing such amazing results, word started to spread like a wildfire. 

And before I knew it, I was sending this new protocol to hundreds of people every single day.

All of a sudden, there were women and men in their 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s losing up to 8 pounds a week…

...all by clearing blockages in the body’s most overlooked detox system.

However, what’s even more important is it starting giving people their lives back.

The nagging pain that made it hard to get out of bed in the morning was gone…

Being able to run errands for hours at a time without feeling tired and rundown…

And finally having the energy to tackle the house projects that kept getting pushed back month after month…

It was like people finally had control of their lives again…

And they were able to do everything they wanted to do for the first time since their early 20’s.

Like Carol, Who Dropped 21 Pounds & 4 Dress Sizes

"I'm Losing the Weight and Not Regaining It!"

As The Results Kept Pouring In, I Knew I Was On To Something BIG

Week after week, my mailbox was flooded with letters from people all over the world who were finally experiencing the weight loss they desired by simply using these fat-flushing strategies.

And for the first time ever, I felt like I finally cracked the code when it comes to fat loss for women and men over 45.

The truth is, your body drastically changes every year as you get older, and it’s why most traditional one-size-fits-all diet approaches just don’t work.

They’re created by fitness models in their 20’s and 30’s who just don’t understand how your body and your hormones work as you get older.

Even though I was hearing from thousands of people all over the world who were getting amazing results for the first time in their lives…

...I was still hesitant to make this protocol available to the public.

Just look at how negative most of the comments are on social media.

People are cruel and I didn’t want my baby girl and boy to grow up in a world where their mom was being bashed on the internet all day long.

However, after discussing it with my husband in bed one night, he said something that put everything into perspective…

You can’t control what anyone else says, you can only control what you do.

And you’ve put your heart and soul into this for the past 5 years.

Don’t let fear hide the real you.

Suddenly, I knew exactly what I had to do.

You see, I think we all have a unique gift to share with the world…

Maybe it’s being the best grandma you can be…

Or maybe you’re someone who is so kind you uplift everyone around you…

For me, I want to help make the world a healthier place…

And so, I put together all my secrets into a 15-Day Protocol that my clients nicknamed the 4-Minute Fix

That’s because every single one of them got started by simply committing to 4 minutes in the morning.

That was it.

And it naturally grew from there.

Every week I was shocked to see the pictures that were being sent in...

Like Lisa...

Lisa Flattened Her Stomach & Lost 37 Pounds in Her Late 50's

What really shocked me was that by simply clearing out their fat blockages…

...women like Lisa in their late 50’s were getting flatter stomachs than most 20 year olds you see at the beach.

After using a few of these secrets in the morning and before bed, Lisa was able to drop 37 pounds and 6 inches, while completely flattening her stomach.

Introducing: The 4-Minute Fix

The World's Only "Warm Water" Fat-Burning Protocol For Women and Men Over 45 To:

  • Melt Your Belly Fat In Half
  • Drop Up To 40 Pounds WITHOUT Restrictive Dieting or Skipping Meals
  • Wake Up Feeling Younger With More Youthful Energy Every Morning
  • Look, Feel, & Move Like You Did In Your 20’s (Pain-Free Walking, Clear & Radiant Skin, Trim Waistline)
  • Finally Have the Stamina to Run Races With Your Grandkids, Garden All Day Long, And Even Surprise Your Spouse in the Bedroom

The 4-Minute Fix is a 15-Day protocol designed specifically to clear out the hidden fat blockages in your body…

...so that your stored fat can be flushed out of the body.

This is NOT a crash diet…

This is NOT a high intensity workout routine…

And it’s definitely NOT about skipping meals or starving yourself.

This is the most effective rapid fat loss system in the world because it thins out your clogged lymph fluid so that it can flush the fat out of your body.

It’s like taking your car in for an oil change.

As you drive, the oil gets thicker and is unable to flow all the parts of the car where it’s needed.

That’s why you need to change it every couple of months, otherwise your car will break down.

It’s the same thing in your body.

Except instead of replacing your lymph fluid, you just need to thin it out, so it’s not so congested and sludgy.

Luckily, you can begin doing this in as little as half a day…

And when you stick with it for just two short weeks, you’ll look like a completely different person.

What This 4-Minute Protocol Can Do For You

  • You’ll Burn Fat Faster Than Running 2 Miles a Day (Just Make the “Warm Water” Recipe Every Morning - Takes Less Than 25 Seconds)
  • You’ll Thin Out Your Lymph Fluid To Help DOUBLE Your Weight Loss in Just 2 Weeks
  • You’ll Remove the Hidden Fat Blockages So That Your Body Can Start Burning Fat for Fuel Again
  • Start Flattening Your Stomach In As Little As 4 Minutes in the Morning
  • Discover How to Drop Up To 3 Pounds in the First 12 Hours (Drink THIS, Not That)

According to Dr. Bruno Chikly, Director of the Lymph Drainage Therapy & Brain Therapy Programs in Scotsdale, Arizona...

"When Lymph Flow Is Slow and Congested, It Leads to an Accumulation of Body Fat"

That’s because it can “no longer properly transport fat where it needs to go.”

And as you can probably imagine, this extra fat winds up being pushed into your belly, hips, and thighs.

It’s no wonder that Stanford University researchers discovered that lymphatic slowdown causes fat storage to double for men and women over 45.

However, this is extremely good news for you…

Because now you know what the problem is.

Is it frustrating? Yes, of course it is!

But since you now know exactly what the problem is, we can fix it.

And it takes a lot LESS time than you think.

Linda Used This Secret & Lost 2.8 Pounds in the First 24 Hours

While I’m not surprised, Linda certainly was.

She wrote in to say…

I can’t believe I’m writing this to you, mainly because I’m still in shock.

I just did the 24 hour blueprint, expecting nothing different than what I had been seeing on the scale for far too long.

I was shocked to see that I’m 2.8 pounds lighter.

I now know something must have been keeping me bloated and sluggish.

I can’t remember the last time I felt more awake and alert like I do this morning.

This is important because I had pretty much resigned myself to failure before even starting.

Thank you so much!"


Here's What You'll Receive in the 4-Minute Fix Rapid Weight Loss System

Step #1 - "Warm Water" Recipe

What you’ll want to do first is have the “warm water” recipe every morning within 30 minutes of waking up.

You can make it in less than 60 seconds right at home with ingredients you likely already have in your pantry.

What this does is thin out your lymph fluid, so it can transport fat to the liver, so it’ll burned up for energy throughout the day.

Most people miss this step and it’s why weight loss is such a struggle for so many well-deserving people over 45.

Step #2 - 4-Minute Morning Routine

Before you start your day, one of the best things you can do is a low-impact, 4-minute routine that works your entire body.

Here’s why this is so important…

As I mentioned earlier, fat is broken down in the body and distributed into your lymph fluid…

...and it basically just sits there unless you actively do something to flush it out.

Well, most people go overboard and do a bunch of cardio or high intensity interval training…

But that only makes things worse because it leads to sore joints, knee problems, and burnout.

It turns out, all you need to do is a few minutes of total body movement in order to get your lymph moving…

Which then takes the fat and distributes it to the liver, where it can be burned…

Making you leaner…

Your stomach flatter…

And your thighs thinner.

So I went ahead and put together a series of 4-minute routines that you can do right at home before your day gets hectic.

Don’t worry, you don’t need any equipment and you don’t need to be in great shape to get started.

These are gentle movements that work with your body, and…

The best part is, after just 3 days of doing these short 4-minute routines, you’ll finally realize that you don’t need to suffer through exhaustive exercise or hours of cardio just to drop a few pounds.

Step #3 - 15-Day Fat Flushing Protocol

The first two steps literally take less than 5 minutes and if you just do them alone, you can start seeing incredible results.

However, what I quickly realized with my personal clients is that they wanted an exact blueprint to follow day in and day out.

That way, there was no guesswork and no confusion.

They knew exactly what to do, what to eat, and what to avoid.

Since most people were losing anywhere from 4-14 pounds in the first two weeks, I decided to put everything together into an easy-to-follow protocol that anyone can use.

You don’t have to be in great shape to get started…

You don’t have to be a health nut who only buys organic foods…

And you definitely don’t have to turn into someone who’s super strict and cuts out all carbs forever.

Most of the women and men I help have 20 or more pounds to lose, don’t like eating vegetables, and aren’t exercising at all.

They just want a quick and simple way to get some of the fat off…

Because once they have proof that something works, and it’s working fast, then there’s no motivation necessary to keep going.

So while this protocol is only 15 short days, you can stick with it as long as you’d like until all the weight comes off.

Which is easy to do, since you won’t be starving yourself, skipping meals, or counting calories.

When You Claim Your Discounted Copy of the 4-Minute Fix Today You'll Receive the Following 4 Bonuses Absolutely FREE

With the “warm water” recipe, the 4-minute morning routines, and the 15-day protocol, you have everything you need to get the flat stomach you desire…

However, my personal philosophy is to leave no stone unturned.

And so, I put together a “bonus bundle” that can help double your results over the next 15 days and beyond.

Bonus #1 - 12-Hour Flat Belly Jumpstart

One thing I hear my parents say all the time is that everyone wants instant gratification these days…

And when it comes to your weight, I don’t blame you!

Who wants to suffer on a program for a whole month just to see if it works?

Look, if you’re not seeing results within the first 12-48 hours, then something’s wrong.

So what I did was put together a 12-hour protocol designed to burn off those first few pounds as quickly as possible…

Because the truth is, you’re much more likely to stick with something if you can visibly see it working right from the beginning.

Imagine waking up in the morning…

You follow this simple protocol throughout the day…

Then you hop on the scale right before bed and see that you’re already down a pound.

Your energy was way higher than it normally was throughout the day…

And your body just feels lighter.

Since your body is being reprogrammed to burn fat for energy, the weight will keep coming off and you won’t have to worry about rebound weight gain.

Bonus #2 - 100 Belly Blasting Smoothies

I absolutely love a good smoothie.

Refreshing, creamy, cold…

It’s like a comfort food for me because I remember getting milkshakes a lot as a kid.

Except instead of expanding your waistline, these thick and creamy smoothies actually help whittle it down.

You see, when it comes to your hormones after 45, you have to have the right mix of proteins, healthy fats, and carbs in order for your body to burn fat.

If you don’t have the right ratios, then weight loss stops and frustrating weight gain begins.

So I went ahead and put together 50 of my best belly blasting smoothies that have worked wonders for my personal clients over 45.

Personally, I love the banana cream smoothie, the sweet apple shake, and the vanilla blueberry crumble shake.

And they’re all yours for free when you claim your copy of the 4-Minute Fix today.

Bonus #3 - 30 Fat-Flushing Keto Smoothies

The keto diet is the most popular diet of 2020, and...

It's easy to see why!

Basically, your body starts burning fat for energy and it can help you slim down without ever having to exercise.

And when it comes to smoothies, most are filled with sugar and processed protein powders.

So I put together an entire smoothie recipe book with 30 keto smoothies to help you thin out and burn more fat while still enjoying a delicious, creamy shake every single day.

Bonus #4 - 4-Minute Fix Quick Start Guide

One of the worst things about starting a new program is…

Most are so confusing, you have no idea where to begin!

That’s why I put together a simple Quick Start Guide, so you know exactly what to do to get started.

You’ll know exactly what to buy at the grocery store…

What meals to prepare…

What spices and herbs you need…

And how to make all the recipes.

Plus, you’ll be able to reach out if you have any questions at all.

Unlike most programs where you can never get a hold of anyone…

I’m here to support and guide you along the way.

Pauline Used These Secrets To Drop 17 Pounds & 12 Inches Off Her Waist In Her 60's

Here’s what she posted in our private Facebook group:

This is how much weight I’ve lost. 

Love this transformation, mindset has also improved.

So many people have been asking what I’ve been doing!

Eat the right food, exercise right and positive mindset, feeling on FIRE!"

Today You Can Get Your Own Copy of the 4-Minute Fix At a Major Discount

I pride myself on being honest, so I want to share this with you…

With two kids under the age of 3 at home, and a husband who works crazy hours, I don’t have much time to personally coach people like I used to.

Yet what I found is that you can get the same, or even better results by simply following this protocol that I’ve been perfecting over the last 5 years.

So while my previous clients happily paid me up to $3,000 to help them get rid of the extra weight, I simply don’t have the time to do that anymore.

Even my online programs were $97.

And for most, that was a bargain because with their new clean bill of health…

Their medical bills stopped…

Their insurance premiums dropped…

And they no longer had to pay for prescription medications, which was costing them hundreds of dollars a month.

Plus There's All the Youthful Life-Changing Benefits Money Can't Buy

  • Wearing a Bathing Suit Without Feeling Self-Conscious or Worried About How You Look
  • Way More Energy, Increased Mental Focus, Sharper Thinking
  • Being Able to Look, Feel, and Move Like You Did 20 Years Ago
  • The Joy of Going Shopping for New Jeans, New Tops, and New Dresses That Fit Your Slender New Body
  • No Longer Feeling Like You’re Being Left Behind

So while this transformational program has a $197 value, I’m not going to charge you nearly that much.

Because while I watch my kids grow up, I simply want this information to become common knowledge…

So they can grow up in a world where healthy habits are the norm.

That’s why I took the retail price and cut it in half…

Then I cut it in half again…

And again…

And then took an additional 75% off.

Which is why when you order right now…

You can get your very own copy of the 4-Minute Fix plus all 4 bonuses for a one-time investment of just $19...

...as part of my “Healthy Habits Initiative”

And while I plan to start offering my programs through Amazon and other online retailers…

This discount is only available through this website for a limited time.

$99 $49 $15

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This Is One of the Smallest Yet Most Important Investments You Will Ever Make For Your Health

This program designed specifically for women and men over 45…

...when your levels of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone are dropping every year.

You see, what most people don’t know is that the building blocks of these hormones is fat.

So when these hormones are in decline as you get older, your body wants to hang onto as much fat as possible.

Which is why it’s so hard to lose as the years go by.

Most “experts” don’t know that and it’s why so many struggle to lose weight in their 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and beyond.

However, that’s exactly why this time is going to be different for you.

Because when you address this head on, your body realizes that it can let go of the stored fat, which means:

  • A Smaller, More Trim Waistline Well Into Your 50's, 60's, 70's and Beyond
  • A Flatter Stomach No Matter How Much Weight You Have To Lose
  • Thinner, More Toned Thighs Without Any Cellulite
  • Way More Energy That'll Last Even Through Your Busiest Days

The reason nothing ever seems to work for you is because those other solutions weren't designed for women and men over 45.

Yet When You Start Adding In These Missing Links...

Like the “warm water” recipe…

The 4-Minute Morning Routines…

And the waist-friendly foods…

You’ll likely start seeing results in the first 24 hours because you’re doing something new that you’ve never done before.

You’ve been trying so hard, which is why it’s NOT your fault.

You just need a few tweaks here and there that will get you on the right track.

Then it’s just a matter of time before you get to the exact weight you want to be at.

$99 $49 $15

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Here's Why This is the Smart Decision:

Your Investment in Yourself Today Is Backed By Our 100% Money Back Guarantee

Here’s how it works…

You say “maybe” today by picking up your copy of 4-Minute Fix…

You read through the protocol (don’t worry, it’s short)...

You go through your pantry and get the ingredients for the “warm water” recipe…

And you have a glass before lunch and dinner.

You’ll likely start feeling better pretty quickly, then you follow the rest of the protocol.

Since it’s only 15 days, you can go through it up to 4 times if you want…

And if you don’t get the results you want, or if it’s too hard to too complicated…

Just let us know, and you’ll get a full refund with no questions asked.

Plus, you don’t even have to give back the program or the bonuses.

They’re yours to keep.

Which means you have a full 60 days to see if the 4-Minute Fix is right for you.

Doesn't It Make Sense to Look Through the Program & Then Make Your Decision?

I get it, most people don’t buy a car without test driving it first.

And while this is a much smaller investment (although more important since we’re dealing with your health)...

....the same idea still applies.

Then why not think it over while you try the 4-Minute Fix, since you’re not risking a single penny?

So go ahead and try it out on me, risk-free for the next two months and let your results help make up your mind.

$99 $49 $19

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The 4-Minute Fix TRIPLE Guarantee

This time is going to be different because we’re addressing your body at a different level.

And while I can’t guarantee anyone’s specific results, what I can promise is:

Satisfaction Guarantee #1 - The World's Best Customer Service

I’ve seen a troubling trend over the years, where people are left high and dry after purchasing programs, leaving you with no answers, no support, and no guidance.

That’s why I’m on a mission to reverse that…

...which means you will be fully supported from Day #1.

Whether you have a question about your order, the program itself, or if you’d simply like some extra guidance…

I’m here to make sure that you get everything you need to get fast and transformational results with this program.

Which leads me to…

Satisfaction Guarantee #2 - The Fastest Results Possible (40's, 50's, 60's & Beyond)

Most programs resort to unsafe practices in order to help you get faster results, however I’m the exact opposite.

Don’t get me wrong, you can start seeing results in as little as 12 hours…

However, just know that we’re doing it in the safest way possible.

After all, what good is it to lose the weight, only to gain it back a few weeks from now?

Instead, we’re going to work WITH your body to make sure you get the results you want in the fastest and safest way possible.

This is not a crash diet…

It’s not a restrictive eating program…

It’s not about cutting out real food and drinking a bunch of juices…

It’s about healing your body from the inside out, using an all-natural process that results in quick fat loss.

Satisfaction Guarantee #3 - Anyone Can Do This

You don’t need a fast metabolism for this to work…

You don’t need great genetics…

And you don’t need to be in great shape.

In fact, this tends to work BETTER for those who are older and aren’t in great shape because it’s exactly what your body needs.

That’s why it doesn’t matter if you’re 47, 62, or 81…

This program can work for you, if you simply follow the principles and remain consistent.

It only takes a couple minutes a day, so if you’re extremely busy, or don’t have a lot of time, then this is a great fit for you.

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It's Time to Make a Decision and You Only Have 2 Options

You can ignore everything you learned here in this letter…

...and let your weight loss struggles continue to control your life.

You can even try figuring this all out for yourself, however…

If that really was the answer, wouldn’t you have figured it out by now?

Wouldn’t you be seeing some sort of progress?

If you leave here today without taking action, life will probably get in the way like it always does…

You’ll keep telling yourself that the “new diet starts on Monday”...

Then a few months will pass and you’ll be in the same exact spot you’re in now, probably even worse.

Or you can take the easy way out…

Let me do all the hard work for you…

And simply follow the steps I’ve already laid out for you, which have been proven to work with the thousands of people who have used them already.

Like Lisa who lost 37 pounds in her 50’s…

Or Carol who lost 21 pounds and four dress sizes…

Or Pauline who lost 17 pounds and 12 inches of fat in just 6 weeks.

There are thousands of more success stories just like them…

Most of which are from women and men in their 50’s and beyond…

Which is what makes this so different than any other program, because it’s designed for rapid fat loss into your 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s…

So while most programs and infomercials you see on TV have a bunch of 20 somethings working out and getting fit…

Deep down you have to know those programs weren’t designed with you in mind.

Which is why they never work long term.

And it’s also why this time your results are going to be different.

MUCH different.

However, I only want to help people who want to be helped…

So if that’s you, and you want to take advantage of our 85% off “fast action” discount, then simply click the button below…

Enter in your information into our 100% secure order form page…

And you’ll receive instant access to the entire the 4-Minute Fix system, along with all 4 of the free bonuses.

You have nothing to lose and a brand new life to gain.

Meredith Shirk

P.S. Here’s a picture of me with my baby Sage just months after giving birth. Which is to say that while the principles in this program are scientifically proven, I’ve also used them personally for years.

In fact, this 15-day plan is the “go-to” I always use when I have some weight to lose, or if I just don’t feel like myself.

P.P.S. - Just remember, you don’t have to decide right now. You can take this program for a test drive over the next 60 days and see if it’s right for you. If it isn’t, you’ll receive a full refund with no questions asked.

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Here Are the Most Common Questions About the 4-Minute Fix System

Do I Have To Already Be In Shape For This To Work?

Absolutely not! In fact, most people start the program with 30-50 pounds to lose, or more. So you definitely do NOT need to be “in shape” for this program to work.

All you have to do is be ready to take action on the life and body you desire without holding anything back.

How Is This Different From Everything Else?

Easy! No one program out there has a combination of the warm water recipe, the 4-minute movement patterns, and the 12-hour fat flush designed specifically for women and men over 45.

That's the problem...

Most programs out there are for younger women and men, which is why they don't work as your hormones change with age.

However, in the next 60 seconds, you can get instant access to the warm water recipe...

Make it before breakfast tomorrow...

Then follow the 12-hour protocol to get you down 2-4 pounds before you even start the program.

All your body needs is a quick reset, and this is the safest and fastest way to do just that.

Am I Too Old For This To Work?

I’ve had women and men in their 30’s and 40’s, all the way up to their 70’s and early 80’s go through this program and experience amazing results.

Age is just a number and as long as you’re ready to take action to your new, youthful body of health then I can’t wait for you to get started!

Meredith, I Lost 8 Pounds in the First 10 Days. Is This Normal?

That’s fantastic! Look, everyone’s body is different, however the average weight loss we see in the first 10 days is 5-8 pounds.

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What If This Doesn't Work For Me?

First, in the rare chance that this doesn't work, send me an email and I'll personally help you through your weight loss stall.

You'll have my email address, and usually it's just one or two small things that are slowing your results.

So we can figure out what that is and get you back on track.

However, in the rare chance this program does not work for you, then you’ll still be covered by our 60-Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee. Simply let us know and you’ll get a full refund with no questions asked.

How Easy Is It To Get Started?

Once you pick up your copy of the 4-Minute Fix, you’ll see a Quick Start Guide that’ll tell you EXACTLY how to get started.

I recommend starting with the 12-hour fat-flush to jumpstart your fat-burning metabolism.

And the good news is, you probably already have everything you need to get started in your house right now.

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How Long Will the Price Stay at $19

The discounted price of just $19 is for a limited time only and can not be guaranteed past today.

Will I Ever Be Billed Again?

No, this is a one-time purchase for just $19 and you will never be billed again.

I'm Ready to Get Started! What's the First Step?

I am SO happy for you!

The first step is clicking the Buy Now button below, where you’ll be taken to our 100% secure order form page hosted by Clickbank.

Clickbank is the vendor I use to host my programs. They are the most secure and well-respected online retail platform in the world.

Simply enter in your information and you’ll be directed to our secure download page where you can get started.

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Legal Disclaimer:

 Individual Results may vary, and testimonials are not claimed to represent typical results. All testimonials are real women, and may not reflect the typical purchaser's experience, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results.

Every person has unique experiences, exercise habits, eating habits, and applies the information in a different way. Thus, the experiences that we share from other people may not reflect the typical users' experience. However, these results are meant as a showcase of what the best, most motivated Beach Belly users' have achieved.

In addition, you assume certain risks inherent in exercise and nutrition programs by using this system. You should not begin the program if you have a physical condition that makes intense exercise dangerous. In addition, The Beach Belly Program requires you to follow an eating plan and at times restricts the amount of calories you consume. You should not begin this eating plan if you have physical or psychological issues which make fat loss dangerous. TheBeach Belly Program is an educational service that provides general health information. Meredith is not a doctor, and her advice is not a substitute for medical advice. Please consult a physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.

ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 917 S. Lusk Street, Suite 200, Boise Idaho, 83706, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.

Due to recent statements from the FTC, it is required that we identify what a "typical" results. Although no one can guarantee results, multiple studies have shown the link between foods and their ability to help alleviate various conditions and diseases.  Your results depend on your commitment and diligence with the program, there is no such thing as a magic pill.

The Deep Belly Detox Program is an educational service that provides generalized health information. Meredith is not a licensed physician, and her advice is not a substitute for medical advice. Please consult a physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.